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“When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.” ~ James 4:3

When we understand that prayer is not merely a means to an end but a powerful tool for communication with God, our approach to prayer changes. Many Christians often pray solely to receive something from God, but in most cases, their requests are not aligned with His will. Sometimes, these prayers are more about glorifying the flesh than honoring God.

How, then, can we expect such prayers to be answered?

A common question arises: “How do I know if my prayer aligns with God’s will?” One way to discern this is by examining your motives. As seen in Scripture, it is crucial to check the motive behind every request we make in prayer. Even seemingly selfless prayers can sometimes stem from a place of selfishness.

For example, consider someone praying for a new car—not because they lack transportation but because they want to impress others. In this scenario, the motive behind the request is not one that pleases God. Instead, it feeds the desires of the flesh, which is why such prayers often go unanswered.

This is why many prayers remain unanswered—not because God is absent or unwilling to listen, but because the motives behind the requests do not glorify Him. When we pray, we must ensure that our prayers are not driven by the desire to gratify our flesh but by a desire to glorify God.

For instance, asking God to bless you so you can help the poor or the needy is a request that aligns with God’s will because it glorifies Him, not your flesh.

It is also important to remember that while our lips may speak the right words, God looks at the heart. Therefore, every time you pray, take a moment to do a heart check and ask yourself these questions:

– Am I praying for the right reasons?

– Am I making this request out of selfish motives?

Any prayer rooted in selfishness can never align with God’s will.

Prayer- Lord check my heart, if there be any selfish way in me, and purge my motives from the influence of flesh.

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