“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” ~ Proverbs 18:21
When God created man, rest assured that nothing was made by mistake or considered an error. God did not end creation until He saw that all He had made was good.
Let’s briefly dive into Genesis 1, the creation story. As we read through that chapter, there is a recurring phrase that stands out, and it is what we will analyse today.
We see repeatedly that, right before God created anything, the Scriptures record the phrase, “And then God said.” In His words, life came forth.
Through the words of the Lord, the entire world was created. What manner of power is that? To think that we, too, have been created in His image! That can only mean that, just as our Father has power in His tongue and His words, we also have power embedded in our tongues and words.
No wonder the Scripture says: “The power of life and death is in the tongue.”
Now that you know where the power of life resides, how are you wielding this tool?
Do the words of your lips speak forth life or death?
Do your words bring grace to others, or do they pull people down?
It is important that, with this understanding, we begin to live consciously, aware of the immense power we carry within us.
As believers, God has given us creative power through our tongues to declare and manifest positive change in different circumstances. As the scripture declares, we can do exceedingly and abundantly more than we can ever imagine.
We are one with Christ, and as He is, so are we, for we were created in His image.
Prayer: Lord, help me to speak forth life and life alone.