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“May the glory of the lord endure forever; may the lord rejoice in his works” Psalm 104 vs 31

Today, we would be looking through the story of the Israelites and how God rescued them out of Egypt through his son and servant Moses.

His glory was first revealed in his decision to make Moses; a stammerer and a murderer, to bring the Israelites out of Egypt. This was to let us know that God can use anyone for his glory.

Moses was one of the few men in the bible who had one on one encounters with God. Starting with the Burning bush, and many more as narrated in the bible. Even though he didn’t physically enter the promise land, he was a man who did live his life to give God glory.

After the King Pharaoh had decided to release the Israelites, we know of how he sent troops after them to bring them back to Egypt. Moses knew they were being followed, and one of the major ways God let his glory be seen was by the parting of the Red Sea, where the Israelites crossed on dry land. The Egyptians had followed suit, but God had ensured every one of them died in the water alongside their horses. In this story, his glory was shown forth magnificently for the Israelites to know that he wasn’t just like every other god, or idol. He was the one and only true God.

It doesn’t matter what you might have had to deal with; the challenges in your life or the kind of past you’ve had. Our God is one who can bring out his glory out of any situation and anybody.

The Israelites where in captivity, but he brought them out of it; revealing his glory. All we have to do is trust that his plans for us are good.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, please let Your glory come forth through my life challenges.

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