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Romans 5:8, “But God demonstrates his own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Before the beginning of time, God already had a plan to redeem us and bring us into salvation. It was His long-awaited plan to save us and bring us into the knowledge of the truth. He has always had us in mind.

Long ago, the whole earth was filled with so much hatred, jealousy, and sin. Many were swayed away by the carnal things of the world, and paid little or no attention to the things of God. The world hated the rules, doctrines and laws given by God. They paid no regard to God, while doing as they pleased.
God, in His infinite love for man brought His son to die. He needed to break the bounds of sin and make us one with Himself.

We were sinners, but he loved us first. We hated Him, but He held us close.
Now, we have been redeemed by the loving Power and Grace of Jesus Christ. He loves us, even more than we could possibly imagine. For as many who believe, we have been given the right to be called the sons of God! We are now seated in heavenly places with Jesus; sin has no hold on us as we have been bought with a heavy price. The love of God has saved us, what could be more beautiful than this?

Now all we have to do is to believe in the Power of His resurrection and we are saved from the clutches of sin. For in His resurrection comes freedom for each and every one of us.
It comes with healing, prosperity, forgiveness, righteousness and the good things of life. All we need to key into these benefits is to first believe in the death and resurrection of Christ, work on building our relationship with Him and doing His instruction of spreading the gospel to all cities and nations.

Prayer: Help me Lord Jesus to never take your love for granted and help me to understand the Power of Your resurrection.

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