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Ephesians 5:18, “And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Holy Spirit.”

As believers, the fire of the Holy Ghost is a powerful tool that is used by God to prune us. It is God’s desire that we all walk in love and purity, serving him and preaching his good news. This isn’t something we can easily accomplish by our own strength or by the flesh.

For the bible tells us that the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak (Mathew 26 vs 41). So far we are still in this mortal body, we are limited by our own strength.It is for this reason that God sent us a helper. It is of utmost importance that we desire the fire of the holy ghost. You need that fire to burn for God and submit yourself fully to his will.

Jesus speaking in Matthew 10:8 gave us a mandate to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, etc. To perform such beautiful miracles, it is important that we are filled with the fire of the holy ghost. We must have a deep desire and hunger for this fire. For it is this fire that fills us with more of the Power of God.

Thus, we must give ourselves to the right things, and do well to operate with the fire of the Holy Spirit. The fire of the Holy Spirit is available for every believer in Christ Jesus.

Prayer Point: Dear Jesus, we thank you for the fire of the Holy Ghost that empowers us. We ask for the grace to be filled with Your fire and operate with it. Amen.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Simi Aderibigbe

    Halleluyah! Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning for You, O Lord 🙏🏼

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