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“All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort”-2 Corinthians 1:3

We all have personal experiences that may have strained us, occurrences that life throws our way, challenging and trying circumstances that can truly shake us. Many times, it takes a considerable period to overcome certain traumatic experiences. Trauma is a significant issue that often doesn’t receive the attention it deserves. However, the pain is valid, and our fears are valid.

David, a man filled with pain and discomfort, had a troubled and anxious heart, yet he brought his concerns before God. He understood that the healing he required could come from God alone. When trouble arises, we should feel comfortable bringing it to God. The beauty of Christ lies in how much he cares about even the smallest things. We can be completely open and vulnerable before God, expressing our true feelings, knowing he will never judge or condemn us. Christ is our safe place, in whom we can fully confide.

Therefore, in our most challenging times, Jesus should be the one we turn to. In him, we can find healing from our past and present traumas, and the comfort needed to navigate the storms of life. His arms are open for us to seek refuge. Jesus is our safety and shelter, providing the care and help necessary to navigate all facets of life.

“Come to me, all ye who are weary and heavily laden and I will give you rest.” Mathew 11 vs 28.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank You for being the source of endless comfort. Help us to live in the present, whilst healing from our past experiences.

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