You are currently viewing OVERCOMING FEAR- FAITH OVER FEAR (II)


“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea”. – Psalms 46:1-3

One reality that many Christians are hesitant to accept is that God never promised us a life without trials and challenges. Walking this Christian journey isn’t one of ease; there’s a cross we all must carry. Nevertheless, we must stand firm in Christ, focusing on His word and holding onto it. We must choose faith in His word over fear.

Peter serves as a perfect example; he could have continued walking on the water, but his gaze was fixed on the storm, not on Christ. He allowed fear from the storm to overwhelm him rather than holding onto the Word of God. We should learn from him and avoid repeating his mistake.

Whenever we face trials, we should steadfastly hold onto the word of God and our faith, allowing it to overcome the fear in our hearts. With the powerful and ever-living God within us, why should we fear? There is no mountain too big for the God we serve. Therefore, we should be still. In the midst of life’s storms, we are encouraged to remain calm and let God be God.

Speak the word of God over yourself, beloved. Remind yourself of who you are in Christ Jesus. There is immense power in professing God’s word. When those fears attempt to seep in, we combat them by speaking the word of God.

The practice of prayer also plays a crucial role here. It is essential that we commit our fears to the hands of God, knowing fully well that He will guide us through them.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, may we never lose sight that You are right where we are. May we be peaceful, despite our external circumstances. Amen.

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