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“Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.” ~2 Peter 1:4

In the past weeks, we have explored how to pray with the Word of the Lord, and now we understand why it is essential to pray according to God’s Word. Beyond receiving answers to our prayers, we can also activate the promises of the Lord in our lives through His Word.

However, to know and claim these promises, we must first study the Word. Consider it this way: how can you know the content of a book if you don’t read it? Or how can you know the taste of a meal if you don’t first try it? Similarly, how can you know the promises of God if you don’t read the Bible?

It’s crucial to meditate on the Word of the Lord day and night, not just because God wants us to read His book, but because it contains everything we need to live our Christian lives according to His will. Within it lie the promises He has given to us, all waiting for us to lay claim to them.

Some might argue that certain promises are old and were intended for a specific group of people. However, here’s a reminder: the Word of the Lord, though written thousands of years ago, is as relevant and alive today as it was back then. The Bible is the only book written so long ago, yet it still carries the power to change a person’s destiny and generation.

Oh, how powerful the Book of the Law is! It contains promises and answers to your questions. In the Bible, you can claim the blessings that have been made available to you, even without struggling for them. Why? Because they have already been given!

So, what should you do next? The next step is to draft a study plan. While you can find promises of God online, the best way is to study the Bible yourself. Create a plan for how you want to read your Bible.

Some might say they don’t have time to read the Bible. The truth is we make time for the things that matter, and God should be the priority of every believer. If we can make time to eat and sleep, then we can make time to read the Word of the Lord—not for His benefit, but for our own.

Prayer: Father, I lay hold of the promises You have given to me in Your word. Let it become a reality in my life.

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